Rekruitmen dan Seleksi Di Perancis
50% – 75% perusahaan di Perancis ternyata sudah menggunakan Tes Analisa Tulisan Tangan dalam melakukan rekruitmen dan seleksi bagi calon karyawannya… Lanjutan
Apa perbedaan Grafolog (Graphologist) dengan Ahli Dokumen Forensik (Document Examiner)?
Grafolog dengan Ahli Dokumen Forensik tentu berbeda. Mau tahu perbedaan?
Mari kita bahas secara umum… Lanjutkan
Free Article about Handwriting Analysis: Initial Emphasis
“Initial emphasis means exaggeration of the first stroke, letter or word either in size, height, pressure, or form. Indicators of initial emphasis…” Lanjutkan
Thinking Patterns (1)
“As most of you know, students are sending all kinds of questions to me on a daily basis. Every so often, I’ll include one of general interest with the Sunday lessons.
Student Question:
“I would really like to understand the difference between the thinking patterns.
I am a methodical (cumulative) thinker and I’ve got that one down. What is confusing to me are the comprehensive, analytical and investigative thinkers.”… Lanjutkan
Thinking Patterns (2)
“Analytical thinking
Handwriting indicator:
Angles at the baseline of middle zone letters (m, n) indicate analytical thinking.
(Angles at the bottom of oval letters have…” Lanjutkan
Thinking Patterns (3)
“Investigative thinking
Handwriting indicator:
Angles at the upper part of middle zone structures show investigative thinking. The sharper the angles, the more pronounced is the trait.
The search for knowledge may be deep probing or…” Lanjutkan