Berikut adalah testimonial siswa dari Indonesia dan dari berbagai belahan dunia:


“Luas, kompleks, dan sistematis”

(Prof. Dr. Soetardjo, Psikolog, Pimpinan Biro Psikologi Nimpoeno Soetardjo, Dosen Fakultas Psikologi di Universitas Padjadjaran, Unisba & Maranatha)

“Interesting, Clear, Systematic, Open minded to other opinions/possibilities, ready to discuss matters”

(Bpk. Leonard, Psikolog & Dosen Fakultas Psikologi di Universitas Padjadjaran – Unpad)

“Jelas, praktis, terbimbing, sehingga cepat ‘nempel”

(Ibu Dian, Psikolog)

“Saya belajar hal baru yang bermanfaat dari Graphologi Indonesia. Yaitu menganalisa tentang pribadi seseorang lewat tulisan tangannya.

Sifat Pak Aviv yang low-profile, warm dan friendly membuat lebih mudah process pembelajaran.

Intinya, graphologi is the next big thing di Indonesia dan kita semua wajib belajar untuk meningkatkan awareness on how we understand, communicate & treat other people.”

(Bpk. Liga Maxwell, Property Enterpreneur)

“First of all, I would like to say thank you for arranging this event. It is a very eye-opening session because I received many valuable information, hints and clues how to make a qualified SSS (personality) report, got a deeper understanding about human personality such as personality conflicts, etc and most importantly, by guarding the process of learning, I got a clear picture of SSS (Master) Course and Graphology itself as a knowledge. I wish there will be another event to evaluate or to discuss latest development in Graphology. Once again, I really appreciate and it certainly motivate me to become a qualified graphologist in the future.”

(Aditi B, Praktisi Grafologi)

“Penjelasannya sistematis, jelas dan dapat difahami. Menggunakan contoh dan gambar visual yang mempermudah saya untuk memahami, dan membuat saya menjadi lebih tertarik pada materi ini dan rasanya tidak sabar untuk cepet-cepet pertemuan berikutnya”

(Ibu Yanti, Putri Jawa Barat periode)

“Bisa memudahkan kita untuk memahami konsep-konsep yang dijelaskan, karena cara kang Aviv menjelaskan yang ‘down-to-earth’. Contoh-contoh yang dijabarkan ngga terlalu muluk, lebih applicable dan imaginable. Cara menjelaskan juga runtut dan sebagai pengajar, kang Aviv berusaha untuk mengajak kelompok untuk aktif dan asertif dalam menyampaikan pertanyaan / pendapat”

(Mba Nisa, Mahasiswa Psikologi)

“Its so fun. Very fun learning. Nambah ilmu banget.”

(Mba Tyas, Mahasiswa & Penulis)

“Materi menarik, tidak seperti mengulang tapi seperti belajar dari awal. Banyak hal detail baru. Modul di buat sistematis, mudah diikuti dan difahami”

(Ibu Titi, Psikolog)

“Penyusunan materi sistematis, OK, sehingga bisa langsung di terapkan / ada gambaran yang sangat jelas”

(Ibu Hanna, Psikolog & Dosen Fakultas Psikologi di Universitas Maranatha & Unpad)

“Menarik, membuat penasaran dan ingin tahu lebih banyak. Cukup jelas dan menjadikan pemahaman akan grafologi lebih ‘terang’, ga samar banget. Penjelasan dari Mas Aviv cukup kompeten.”

(Ibu Evi, Psikolog & Dosen Di Universitas Maranatha)

“Penjelasan materi sangat jelas, terutama ketika menggunakan contoh.”

(Ibu Fifie, psikolog & dosen di Universitas Maranatha)

“Mendapat penerangan yang sangat jelas & bermanfaat baik dari segi course maupun general knowledge dari Graphology”

(Ibu Bijouta, Praktisi Grafologi)

“Banyak ilmu yang didapet, seru belajar nganalisa tulisan orang lain, tulisan tangan sendiri juga J”

(Mba Triesa, mahasiswa psikologi)

“Sangat sistematis, rumit di jadikan simpel. Very good. Tidak loncat-loncat. Terkadang, ketika dijelaskan langsung oleh Mas Aviv, suka menggunakan spidol berwarna yang memudahkan pemahaman. Penggunaan contoh yang aplikatif membuat materi tidak abstrak. Tebak-tebakannya membuat kita bisa membedakan. Bisa menyediakan waktu panjang sehingga penyampaiannya bisa menyeluruh. Harapan saya semoga bisa lebih banyak lagi orang yang bisa merasakan metode pengajarannya Kang Aviv”

(Ibu Billa, Sarjana Psikologi)

“Dear mr Avivy, Wooooooooow….keren sekali penjelasannya, Berjuta terimakasih utk penjelasannya yg super lengkap,terimakasih utk waktu yg disediakan utk menjawab dan menyempatkan mengambil dr bnyak sumber….terimakasih… Salam hormat”

(Ardiyanti, Guru)








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Berikut ini beberapa testimoni dari siswa-siswa di berbagai belahan dunia lainnya:

(karena sebagian ditujukan untuk Dr. Erika M. Karohs, jadi dalam Bahasa Inggris )

“ Hi Dr. Karohs, Just wanted to let you know that your courses seem like they are the best that’s out there-Professionally, In-depth and well written; plus you have included much more information. Have a Wonderful Day”

(Trish Towey)

“I wish to say that I think your new book ‘Making Your Handwriting Analysis Sell’ (bonus book with the course) is a realistic profit guide to any student that has just completed your Handwriting Analysis Course. I would say that like myself, if any of your students are serious about making a career of handwriting analysis then they should definitely invest in this book. I have found it to be a great resource guide for marketing online and offline too. You have also considered the Internet novice, whilst also including information for the more experienced person. I can see that by producing this book you really want your students to success. Thank you Erika – for helping us all the way!”



Berikut ada seorang siswa yang menjelaskan dengan cukup panjang lebar kenapa dia sangat puas dengan kursus grafologi dari KAROHS:

“Erika, here is in detail why I prefer your course over the ‘other course’. It really boils down to one major thing and that is that the ‘other course’ does not teach how to do a written analysis. Yes I was taught traits, but nowhere was I taught the hierarchy or sequence of penning it to paper, and this was what I struggled with mostly. There were no headings that one could use as a guide line to go by because the book chapters are not defined. It used to take me days to write a report for a client because could not find the words to describe the person. What I landed up with was a “grocery” list of traits. There was no structure and I just did not know where to begin. I just couldn’t string it all together to make it look as if it had been done professionally. I actually pulled out notes at 3.00 am in the morning and re-read through the entire course book to see if maybe I had skipped something. There is absolutely nothing that suggests how to do a written analysis. In contrast, your course includes two ‘Complete guides for writing analyses’. I also prefer your marketing manual because you go into detail about setting up the web sites and you give the pit falls to watch out for. If I had to summarize the ‘other course’ I would say it was not a COMPLETE course in that it was lacking the most important part. ‘How to write an analysis’. What use is it if you learn everything and you can’t give a client a written report? NO THERE IS JUST NO COMPARISON IN COURSES. Erika, your courses are FAR superior. I had the ‘other course’ for almost a year before stumbling on your site and I have NEVER looked back. With your course, one can actually write a report using only the headings of the Mind Maps. I find your Mind Maps wonderful and if you learn them off by heart, one can write, or even give a verbal analysis in the correct order without stumbling. That’s how I use them. Also that way you learn your traits in the order that you should with intensifying traits as well as reductive traits. The “other course” doesn’t teach any of that. If I wanted to know what drives a person, I would immediately know and recall the ‘Drives’ and their traits and I would know what would hold them back. If I wanted to know what they were good at, I would recall the “Aptitudes” and look for those traits. For me learning the mind maps was essential. They are a blessing and the headings are how I write my report. It’s as simple as that. The ‘other course’ doesn’t have any of that. The other thing that I really love is your ‘Trait list’ with descriptions. I couldn’t have done without them. They are wonderful as well as your Dictionary”

“I learned more from your course than all the rest combined.””Erika: I just wanted to tell you that I’ve learned more about hw from your course in two months than from ……. course, ………. books and all the rest combined. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.”


Ini adalah testimoni dari seorang siswa yang sebelumnya belajar di tempat kursus grafologi lain, Deluxe Course…

“Your courses are like no others. You cannot even compare them.”

Hi Erika, I don’t know where to start because I have NO words to thank you for your fantastic courses. As you know I ordered the Deluxe course another “handwriting school” way back in December 2004. It cost a fortune because I was paying in Dollars. The parcel arrived and it looked most impressive. I was excited to get started but soon gave up hope. There were a lot of CD’s and VHS”s but they had just taped their seminar and put the same material on Both the CD’s and the VHS’s. In other words they had duplicated the same material. I was not impressed. They made it out to look like you were getting a lot but in fact you weren’t. There were some books and a marketing manual. I battled on my own not knowing what I was doing for months then I bought another handwriting course from a book seller in South Africa but she didn’t teach graphology, she just sold her e-books. I bought them all thinking that somehow I would manager. I didn’t. Erika I then found your site. WHAT A BLESSING.Your courses are like NO others. You can’t even compare them. They are like chalk and cheese. They are worth their weight in gold and I truly treasure them.Firstly you offered South African’s a cheaper rate because of the low dollar exchange rate so naturally I felt “ripped off ” by paying the full price for the course form the “other” school… I packed up all my other notes and shelved them and then started from scratch.I did your beginners course, wrote the exam and got my first Diploma. Since then I have done the Comprehensive course and passed, I am just waiting for my Diploma to arrive. I finally feel that at long last I am getting somewhere. I don’t feel bad now to charge for my time. This is the course that I was most impressed with.You have made it soooooooooooo simple. If one just sticks to your notes and does them step by step as you have explained then writing the analysis is a breeze. There is absolutely no guessing. Once you have done the slant measurement then the trait list, use the trait score table and enter it on the General Handwriting Analysis worksheet”.

Then it is just a matter of following in the book from Volume 5 & 6 to write your analysis. IT’S THAT SIMPLE and most of all, the book is written in the order that you write your analysis so there is no jumping backwards and forwards.

I LOVED IT. It was soooo easy.

It was the easiest analysis to write because you just pick one or two sentences for that particular trait and best of all that means that NO 2 analysis will ever read the same. Erika you have truly out done yourself with your time and knowledge. You couldn’t have made it easier to write an analysis. I am soooooo glad I fumbled across your site. I just wished I had have found you sooner. You would have saved me a packet. I must also say that I love the “Mind Maps” They make it sooo easy to memorize and I use that when I am doing a verbal analysis for someone. Also the flash cards. They are really great. I have cut and laminated them and carry them around with me where ever I go. I use them often as an “ice breaker. I have purchased the ET and the Step by Step course and plan to write both exams and then go on to do the intermediate course. You are the most generous person I know and the most helpful. I thank you for all your hard work and all your notes. If you want to change or use anything I have said, you may. I am proud to be a student of yours and would gladly recommend you to anyone wanting to do graphology as a hobby or a career.

There truly is NO comparison between your course and the others. For example just ONE of your books is over 700 pages, and just how many books have I received. I can’t count because they just keep coming. You just keep giving and giving and giving and only have your students in mind. Erika, you may all my comments for your website. If anyone is interested in hearing from me in person how the handwriting course you and from “the other school” compare, please have them write to me at my e-mail address.

Erika, many thanks for all your help.”

(Lorna Godefroy, South Africa)


“It is the best course that I have taken.Dear Dr. Erika M. Karohs, I have finished the contents of the handwriting analysis course. I found it very interesting and very valuable. This course was different than the other courses that I took in graphology. It was very organized and very rich in information. I found the trait dictionary and the flash cards very useful. A lot of examples & illustrations were in the books (PDF) which made the reading from them very interesting. In a word, this course was amazing. It is one of the best courses that I have taken. Thanks. With best wishes”

(Zarraq AL-Osaimi)


Berikut ini testimoni dari seorang yang sudah terjun di dunia Grafologi selama 13 tahun, dan dia menyimpulkan bahwa hanya dengan satu program comprehensive dari KAROHS ini saja, sudah melebihi ilmu grafologi yang dia dapat dari berbagai tempat selama 13 tahun sebelumnya.

“Dear Erika, I have received your package of course materials and must say that I am overwhelmed at the depth and quality you provide. After taking some time to still just peruse its vast contents, I can tell you that it is the best comprehensive coverage of this subject matter I am acquainted with in my 13 years of interest. The icing on top has been your personal touch and warmth you extended me, a complete stranger to you, that makes me eternally grateful to you. Thank you, Thank you!”

(Michael Conolly)


Ini ada kisah unik lagi Siswa IGAS (International Graphoanalysis Society), yang akhirnya bergabung dengan KAROHS.

“What former IGAS students says:I LOVE YOUR COURSE!

Though I was more of an intermediate student with IGAS, your basic course is more substantial intellectually and in clarity. I haven’t had time yet to read thru all the materials but can see that you really have simplified this study into something that can be readily grasped. I welcome the opportunity to stumble out of the fog!!”

A third level IGAS student: Your course explains how other traits add their influence. The information was all very familiar. I’d learned this all through IGAS, but your course explains how other traits add their influence at the end of each section, and I really appreciated having that information so readily accessible.” (This student is now moving on to the SSS course.) Names are all in my files for your reference. Please just ask.”


Bahkan.. President Florida Chapter of IGAS  pun berkomentar sangat positif akan materi grafologi KAROHS ini:

“Before sending my comments to you, I wanted to evaluate your book.

You have done a superb job!

The book is certainly worth the investment and I’ll be sure to tell other Graphoanalysts about it.”

(Catherine Lane, President Florida Chapter of IGAS)


“In Handwriting Analysis. It would be a wise investment. I am now quietly moving onto the Evaluated Traits Course after that it will be the SSS Course. Thank you Erica for such a well structured course, I thoroughly enjoyed it! I am busy with your course and please let me again manifest my appreciation and gratitude for the wonderful job of traits explanations you have done!!! It is I am sure unique!!!!



Bapak Syibly Avivy. A. Mulachela pun termasuk salah satu siswa dari KAROHS. Berikut adalah testimoni yang beliau pun pernah mengalaminya,

• “Your SSS course does more than educate.” “Erika, I was just working on lesson 11 and I have to stop and send along this compliment. I have collected and read a plethora of books on handwriting analysis (this has been an interest of mine since I was a teen) but I’ve never felt confident that I could do an analysis “right” because a lot of the instructions were too subjective (i.e. “hang the sample on a wall upside down and look at it from a distance then record how it makes you feel” or “no need to measure slant, with some practice you can eyeball it…”). Or worse they were vague and unclear. I’ve often said to myself something like, “That’s an arcade? I could have sworn it was a garland. Wait a minute… do arcades only run along the top… can you have them both together… aaaaargh!” So I have to tell you that I really appreciate all the work you’ve put into creating volumes of examples and clear, concise, and thorough explanations. I can check and then double check. I can cross-reference to my heart’s content.I just love being able to find all the information I need right at my fingertips, and in such an easy-to-use format! Your SSS course does more than educate me… it instills confidence and a much-appreciated feeling of professionalism. I just had to tell you that I really appreciate the amazing amount of work you’ve put into this course. I love this course! I almost don’t want to be finished with it… I’ll miss my studies :)” (Francine Morrissette)

“Erika, Thank you so much for your teaching. It’s hard for me to really convey to you how valuable your Step-By-Step course is. Your reference material that is truly rare in nature gives me the ability to work hard, make money, and have fun at the same time. You are such an amazing woman. Thank you, Erika.”

(Greg Whitaker)


Dan masih banyak lagi testimoni yang tidak tercantum disini. Adapun saya sendiri.
Salah satu rasa syukur terbesar saya dalam hidup ini adalah diperkenalkannya dengan Dr. Erika M. Karohs dan materi grafologi dari KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis.

Dia tidak hanya mengajarkan saya ilmu grafologi, bagaimana memasarkan jasa grafologi semata, melainkan beliau juga telah berhasil menjadi role model bagi saya dalam mengajar dengan penuh kebijakan dan penjelasan yang mendalam.

Terimakasih Dr. Erika M. Karohs. 


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