Thinking Patterns (2)

Free Article about Handwriting Analysis

As most of you know, students are sending all kinds of questions to me on a daily basis. Every so often, I’ll include one of general interest with the Sunday lessons.

Student Question

“I would really like to understand the difference between the thinking patterns. I am a methodical (cumulative) thinker and I’ve got that one down. What is confusing to me are the comprehensive, analytical and investigative thinkers.”


Analytical thinking

Handwriting indicator:


Angles at the baseline of middle zone letters (m, n) indicate analytical thinking.

(Angles at the bottom of oval letters have an entirely different meaning).

The analytical thinking pattern

The analytical thinker is foremost interested in analyzing cause and effect. He wants to know the “why” and “how” behind things. He is always figuring out the reason. He feels he must analyze everything about a given situation, even if he is familiar with it. He wants to understand reasons and every step of the process by which conclusions are reached. He wants to gain a clear understanding based upon provable facts before he is comfortable enough to take action on anything.

Because he takes every “whole” to pieces to understand “the parts,” it takes him longer to process any situation. Analysis takes time and he takes longer to arrive at his conclusions.If the analytical writer is also an investigative or cumulative thinker, he will be even slower in processing information.

Analysis is an excellent trait, but if applied to every little thing, others will lose patience – and rightly so – with the writer. The analytical writer’s “figure, figure” process can be a real trial for those who deal with him. It slows down responses and makes others feel blocked. Sometimes the writer’s analytical deliberateness takes so long that others mistake him for dense, slow, or stupid.

The analytical writer typically wants to go on learning new things all his life. He seeks knowledge by going directly to the source, rather than relying on others to ascertain the facts for him. He puts on the brakes when confronted with new challenges, information or decisions. He feels that he must scrutinize everything until all the components mesh.

The writer counts on others to be equally thorough and analytical. He wants to know the reasons behind their statements, and he expects them to go back over points until he is sure he understands. He does not want to be told that a product will pay for itself. He wants to know exactly why and how it will be useful to him and how it will be saving him money. The analytical child wants to know why it is punished.


Examples of behavior patterns of analytical people

Two men go shopping for a cell phone. The high analytical one inquires at several stores; he searches on the Internet, comparing brands, models, features and prices. Taking two days to deliberate, feeling he has considered all the facts and reasoned things out completely, he makes his decision and purchases the phone.

The low analytical fellow visits one store, finds a cell phone he likes and buys it, thinking to himself, “I’ll keep the receipt so if I don’t like it or if I find another one that I like better, I’ll take this one back.”
Who is making the best decision? That will, of course, depend on many factors. The trait of analytical thinking tells us how writers arrive at a decision, not the quality of the decision.


Application to vocation

The analytical writer enjoys research and investigation, and in analytical work he excels. He could express this trait positively in science, research, planning and counseling or in some highly technical field where he would be the authority to be consulted by others. He could enjoy analytical games for recreation and fun. On the negative side, his tendency to process old facts “just one more time” can be very trying for coworkers who are less analytical than he is himself.

Application to leadership

Both the high and low analytical can be excellent leaders. Only their method of operation is different. The high pole analyzes before moving forward and works to advantage in planning, engineering and research, to name a few. The low analytical (comprehensive) one, seeing the obvious objective, responds faster and works to advantage as an expeditor, surgeon, or in emergency situations.


Compatibility between analytical and comprehensive thinkers

Since the analytical and comprehensive thinking patterns are diametrically opposed, there often arise compatibility problems.

Because the comprehensive writer grasps points without visible efforts, he gets easily irritated by people who take longer to process their thoughts. He tries to hurry them along, thereby causing irritation and confusion in analytical thinkers.

The analytical thinker will take the comprehensive writer’s attitude as criticism, and will be hurt by it. Misunderstandings are apt to result.


Analytical thinking in sales

Differing thinking patterns are one of the major obstacles in sales. Sales people who participated in my sales seminars stated that just knowing about this one handwriting feature helped them to greatly increase their sales.


Sales Examples

Analytical customer with comprehensive customer

The comprehensive salesman has to be prepared to explain everything; the customer wants to know the “why.” If the salesman is late, he should give an explanation. Until the customer fully understands the “why” of what the salesman is saying, he won’t be ready to move on to the next point. The customer’s frown may not mean he is disagreeing – he is just trying to figure things out.

Analytical customer with comprehensive computer salesman

Tom, a computer salesman, is presenting a laptop to George, for his home office. George, being analytical, is busy comparing what Tom is saying with what he already knows.  Tom begins moving from point to point too quickly for George to integrate it all, resulting in George’s questioning stare and “lost” look. If Tom tries to close the sale now, George is apt to say, “I’ll think about it.” He hasn’t had time to reason things out for himself, to integrate the new facts into what he already knows. If however, Tom says, “I see there is a question in your mind. What is it that you don’t understand?” Harry will most likely ask his questions, sort out the facts and catch up. Tom will probably see the “Aha!” light in George’s eyes as he is ready to proceed.

Highly analytical sales person with comprehensive customer:

The salesman feels the need to explain everything. But he should be very careful not to force more information on customers than they need. It will be very irritating to them. They may feel that the salesman is slow and tedious. They may lose interest in both him and his product and service and he’ll probably lose the sale.


Analytical School Administrator is losing comprehensive potential students

The analytical administrator of a graphology school “Distant Learning” has decided to accept applications only one week out of each month. Processing the orders then takes a minimum of two weeks. He feels that a lengthy enrollment process is more in keeping with a “university-like” experience. Regardless of the opposition of his Board, he doggedly stays with his decision.
With this ruling, the Administrator has automatically lost the majority of potential comprehensive students. Once interested, these folks will most likely (a) search the Internet, (b) opt for a school that appeals to them, and (3) place the order. They then expect the course materials as instant download.
Even though the “Distant Learning” school may have been their number one choice, they will bypass it in favor of a school that processes applications immediately.


How should you talk to analytical people?

  1. Don’t suddenly confront them with an idea or plan, lead up to it.
  2. Explain facts. I have to go to see my mother because….
  3. Talk slower and watch their eyes to see if they are with you.
  4. In marriage don’t say “I love you,” say WHY you do.
  5. Reason with them.


Advantages of analytical thinkingimage013

  1. Takes time to analyze.
  2. Waits to begin until he is sure of his conclusions.


Disadvantages of analytical thinking:image014

  1. Slow to react. There is no action in the moment while the writer is sorting things out.
  2. Wastes time analyzing what he already knows.


How to counsel the analytical thinker

  1. Speed up your reactions. Learn to think on your feet.
  2. Don’t take more time to analyze than you really need.
  3. If you have been through this situation before, react automatically. You don’t have to spend the same time analyzing tasks every time you do them.
  4. In personal relationships don’t bother to analyze every time why someone did what he/she did.


A personal lesson

For 24 years I was head of the German Department of Monterey Peninsula College in Monterey, California. During my early teaching years, I noticed that habitually I would turn to students on the right side of the classroom for answers first.

As a graphologist, I was well aware students first to raise their hands were usually comprehensive thinkers. While the analytical, cumulative and investigate ones were still reasoning things out, their comprehensive class mates were already blurting out their answers – which, quite frequently, were incorrect. (Remember from the lesson “Comprehensive Thinking” – the comprehensive folks don’t REALLY “think,” they respond based on what they already know). But because of their quick responses, it seemed as if they were smarter than the others.

To even things out, I tried an experiment. At the beginning of a new semester, I had every student prepare half a page of writing. I collected the samples, made everyone get up and, with their handwriting samples in front of me, I assigned seats: comprehensive thinkers to the right side, “slower” thinkers to the left side of the class.

It was a perfect solution.

When, in keeping with my habit, I asked (comprehensive) students (on the right), they usually had a ready answer. If the answer was incorrect, I turned to the left side of the classroom. By then, that group had had plenty time to figure (“think”) out the answers, and theirs were usually correct. So suddenly, all the students seemed at an even level.

Students did not find out until the end of the semester why I had seated them as I did.

To be continued with “Investigative Thinking.”

Until next time.

Kind regards,

Dr. Erika M. Karohs


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